New Account Setup

Please complete all fields and upload the requested documents (in PDF or JPG format) to create a new ML Schedules™ Software user account and related Group(s).

Class Description
Group 1  A Winooski school group (makeup are a majority of Winooski Youth) and/or staff that is directly sponsored and managed by the school and that is a part of the regular education program
Group 2 A Winooski school group (makeup are a majority of Winooski Youth) and/or staff that is not directly sponsored or managed by the school and that is not an official part of the regular education program. The group does not charge its members and is accessible to all participants. 
Group 2-B A Winooski school group (makeup are a majority of Winooski Youth) and/or staff that is not directly sponsored or managed by the school and that is not an official part of the regular education program. The group’s activities are not free to all participants or require individual expenses. 
Group 3 A non-profit group located within or outside the City of Winooski that the majority of members and participants in the activity are NOT Winooski residents.
Group 3-B  A non-profit organization where the majority of members and participants in the activity are Winooski residents; This includes city or state governmental organizations. The group’s activities are not free to all participants or require individual expenses. 
Group 4 A non-profit group located within or outside the City of Winooski where the majority of members and participants in the activity may or may not be Winooski residents, because it is not clear that their mission is to serve Winooski primarily. The group does not charge its members and is accessible to all participants. 
Group 4-B A non-profit group located within or outside the City of Winooski where the majority of members and participants in the activity may or may not be Winooski residents, because it is not clear that their mission is to serve Winooski primarily. The group’s activities are not free to all participants or require individual expenses
Group 5 Any organization (profit or non-profit) whose purpose is not primarily educational or recreational in nature, such as political organizations, events, fairs, etc.
Group 6 A for profit organization. 
Group 7 Any organization (profit or non-profit) whose purpose for facilities use is to promote messages or activities that may pose a present or future liability for the district (physical or legal) or that is likely at odds with Winooski’s Policies of non-discrimination, inclusion, and belonging. Group 7 is unlikely to be approved by the Superintendent, but if approved under specific circumstances, the fees will be substantially higher to account for the potential contingencies.

User Information


Group Information

If you are an internal staff member who will be submitting requests on your own behalf (i.e. not for a group, team, club, etc), use your first and last name as the Group Name.

Additional Group Information

External / Outside Groups: Upload the Group's Certificate of Insurance and its Expiration Date.

Additional Group Files
  • File1
  • File2
  • File3